Monday, February 24, 2020

Which Graha is responsible for divorce? +91-9888520774

The date of birth is not just a number, but a gateway to understand the destiny of a person. Proper study of the natal chart in astrology helps predict certain problems that occur in the person's life and provides remedies accordingly. From family and health to career and finance, astrology has a perfect answer to problems in all aspects of human life. Even if there is no ongoing problem, astrological guidance can help in the detection and correction of probable problems and save the individual from unwanted suffering.

Probable reasons for divorce

We have listed a couple of reasons that lead to separation in marriage:

·         Unable to conceive
·         Continuous premarital love relationships
·         Having extramarital relationships.
·         Yog from more than one spouse in horoscope
·         Physical or verbal abuse by the couple.

Today our astrologer analysis to divorce remedies by the help of astrological planets. Which is the horoscope to create divorce in peoples life, or the husband-wife are separated to each other.

The only question "is there a divorce in my kundali" before the marriage can solve many problems? Astrology can accurately predict a person's future marriage from their birth chart and provide remedies accordingly. This article provides detailed information on how divorce can be predicted and also suggests certain corrective measures.

·         In the horoscope, the lord of the seventh house from Lagnesh and Chandra should be located in an adverse position from the planet Venus.
·         In the horoscope, the seventh house is celebrated in the seventh or twelfth house with Dwadesh.
·         Rahu along with Saturn or Venus in the horoscope is in the lagna. In the horoscope, the Sun, Rahu, Saturn and Dwadhesh must be located in the fourth house.
·         Even if Venus is in the horoscope of Ardra, Mool, Kritika or Jyestha Nakshatra, there are possibilities of separation in married life.
·         When the lord of the twelfth house has a relationship with the lord of the fourth house, and if the fourth house is in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house of the horoscope, the separation of husband and wife occurs.

This will help our astrologer perform astrological calculations to calculate the strength of houses and planets, so that we can provide you with the best solutionsfor all your divorce problems. There are also many other divorce yogurts in astrology. We also check if your board contains Yogs for another marriage.

This is the moment. Take advantage of our astrologer with experience and knowledge in the field of astrology or to obtain the best astrological solutions. Rely on our expert astrologer in divorce problem solutions to get the best astrological solutions. Feel free to contact us.

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